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Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Programme, 1896

-from The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Monday, March 2, 1896


Well Carried Out Yesterday by the Grand United O. F.


On the History of the Growth of the Order and Its Principles and Practical Workings —Rev. Mr. Langford Preaches the Usual Anniversary Sermon, and Other Talk Entertainingly on Appropriate Themes — The Eureka Lodge and the Patriarchie United in the Celebration.

Eureka lodge No. 1307 and Patriarchie No. 28, of the G. U. O. of O. F., listened to the annual sermon Sunday, preached by Rev. J. M. Langford, of Bridgeport. The respective orders formed at their hall and marched to the Eoff street M. E. Street under the command of Captain T. H. Lewis, who deserves a great credit for his qualities as a good commander and disciplinarian.

The program was executed able and proficiently.

Professor Jones, in a neat speech which was highly commended by all who heard him, opened the services as master of ceremonies, and reviewed the fifty-three years' history of Odd Fellowship in America among his race.

After prayer by Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr. Scott Taylor was introduced and gave a short talk on the fraternity.

An original poem, subject, "Friendship," was rendered by Mrs. D. B. Buckner, who deserves great credit for her production.

In continuation of the programme, Rev. Mr. Langford was next introduced. He is a member of Lodge No. 2446, of Carlisle, Ky. After expressing his pleasure in meeting the lodge, he spoke from this text:

"Am I my brother's keeper?" Gen., 4 chap., 9 verse.

His theme was "Independence." Following his topic he showed how dependent each person was upon his brother, and what great influence has been exerted by Odd Fellows in this line.

He also spoke in glowing terms of the rapid spread of Odd Fellowship, and of the golden rule, prefaced by the tremulous words of the Scripture, that "Out of one blood God made all people." This is the underlying principle of Odd Fellowship.

He then gave short history of the founders and supporters, accompanied by statistics as to its growth and benefit awarded. He next exemplified the terms, "Friendship, love and truth."

In concluding, he spoke in eloquent terms of Odd Fellowship as one of the main factors in citizenship, and exhorted his brethren to greater and more strenuous efforts for "Odd Fellowship" and the advancement of humanity and his race especially.

Among the prominent ministers present were Rev. R. A. Bumery, of the Market street A. M. E. church; Rev. Mr. Tony, and others.

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