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Baseball: Wheeling vs. Warren, Sept. 5, 1895

-from the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Friday, Sept. 6, 1895


Wheeling Wins from Warren for the Fourth Time in the Series.


And if "Ours" Beat Franklin They are Double Champions


On the Local Grounds This Year – Up to the Ninth Only One Hit had Been Made Off Barrett – In the Ninth Four Singles Did the Business. Staley Pitched a Fine Game – The Series With Franklin is Being Arranged and Will Open at Franklin on Monday.

AFTER the most exciting game of the season the Wheeling baseball club poses as the champions of the second season of the Iron and Oil league and will play the Franklins for the championship of the double season of 1895. Wheeling's victory over Warren yesterday gives the town her fist champion ball team.

A crowd of 500 or 600 cranks, who held the national game in preference to the State Fair, which comes only once a year, saw the game that was worth going miles to see -- and longest miles you ever tramped at that. The game was for blood – b-l-o-o-d. Wheeling had won three and Warren two of the series of seven that was to decide the championship. Warren played with desperation, because a victory yesterday meant an even show with Wheeling to take the necessary fourth game. For the same reason the home players put forth their best efforts to win out. The result was a game that the average enthusiast wouldn't have missed for dozens of ordinary or even out of the ordinary games.

Barrett, the promising young left-hander, was in the box for the visitors, and although he lobbed the ball over the plate with no speed at all at times, the Wheelings somehow fanned the air in the most provoking manner. For eight innings Wheeling's hitting was represented by that one


made in the seventh which, however did not result in any run-getting. Staley, the ex-leaguer, who pitched for Wheeling, also pitched ball of the gilt-edged variety, and although he was batted harder than the visiting twirler, he kept the hits well scattered something which Barrett was unable to do as Wheeling bunched four hits in the ninth and won out in the most sensational finish in the history of the game in Wheeling. Only in the eighth did Staley allow the visitors to make more than one hit in an inning, and the second one was made after a chance had been offered and declined for a double play that would have retired the side without a run. However the two runs that Warren made in the eighth, putting them in the lead, allowed the Wheelings the opportunity to make a hair-raising finish in the ninth.

The fielding on both sides was par excellence. Three or four errors were chalked up, but they were made on hard chances and were no discredit to the players who suffered. The most disastrous error on the Warren side was Prince's wild throw in the fourth, which made it possible for Violet to score the first run of the game on Glasscock's nice sacrifice to Leamon. On the Wheeling side to only misplay that ruffled the backs of the spectators was the throw by Crotty in the eighth to Ball to catch Ritchey at second. Unfortunately the ball hit Ritchey, and before it was fielded back Ritchey was on third and Cooper on second. Great work was done in the outfield by Violet of Wheeling, and Leamon of Warren. In the infield Ball distinguished himself several times.


Wheelings were easy in the first inning, but Ritchey, for Warren opened up with a two-bagger. As the next three men went out in one-two-three order the hit counted for nothing. In the second it was again one-two-three on both sides, and it was seen that the game was to be a battle of the pitchers. The first run of the game was made by Wheeling in the fourth, although no hits were made. Violet got his base on balls, stole second and went to third on Prince's wild throw to the outfield. Glasscock made an elegant sacrifice to Leamon in centre, Violet coming in with the run. With two out in the fourth the Warrens got a man to second; John Wagner singled, and on a half passed ball by Davis went to second, but Russell sent a grass cutter to Ball at short, who assisted to Glasscock just in time to put out the runner.

In the fifth it looked as though the visitors would tie the score, but intelligent work by the Wheeling infield dashed the visitors' hopes to the ground. Leamon, the first mas up, sent a hot one to Shaw, who made a phenomenal pick-up, but threw low to Glasscock, and the man was safe, going to second before the ball was fielded back. Prince hit a slow one to Ball; Leamon had started for third and Ball got the sphere to Shaw just in time to nip the "lemon" in the bud. Then Rickert singled past third, and with two out it still looked as though the lively Pennsylvanians would do something, but Barrett flew out to Ball and Ritchey did likewise to Shaw, who made a fine catch near the grand stand.


In the seventh Glasscock was the first man up. Barrett had been fooling the locals with his peculiar slow ball, so the little 'un though he would dally with the mighty Glasscock in the same way. He lobbed one over the plat at about a mile an hour clip. Jack waited patiently and swung with all his might and main. The ball actually whistled as it went through the air high above and beyond Rickert in left field. It was as clean a two-bagger as has been made on the Island grounds. It was all for naught, however, as both Kerr and Shaw struck out and Kalkhoff ended the inning by going out to Rickert.

It was the in the eighth that the visitors made the game entirely too interesting even for the most exacting enthusiast. Barrett unexpectedly made a base hit and Ritchey followed suit. Then Cooper hit along the ground to Crotty, who made the unfortunate throw already referred to, which allowed Barrett to score the tieing run and placed Ritchey on third and Cooper on second. Then Al Wagner hit a sharp one to Crotty, who handled it cleanly, and, seeing that Ritchey was not trying to score, assisted to Glasscock with the first out. Then John Wagner hit another down to Crotty, but it was slow and Dan had no time to catch Ritchey this time, and threw to Glasscock for the second out. Ritchey scoring the run that placed the visitors in the lead. Russell ended the inning by sending one to Glasscock, which was accepted.


With the score 2 to 1 in favor of the visitors, and the almost utter inability of the Wheelings to hit Barrett, the situation was decidedly gloomy, but base ball is "'tarnally" uncertain, as the bleacher philosopher put it, and Wheeling won out in a manner at once unexpected and glorious. The ninth inning opened with Violet up. With three balls called he singled to right, but Crotty went out to Al Wagner and the spectators leaned back in their seats in anticipation of a defeat. Captain Jack swaggered up to the plate with blood in his eye, and Barrett didn't venture another slow one. He put on all speed, but Glasscock caught it squarely, the ball going like a shot down toward third base. Wagner made a wild grab and stopped, but could not hold it. Violet tried for third, and was nearly put out before he was back safe on second. Kerr had struck out twice and not much was expected of him, but his little stick was in evidence this time in the shape of hot single to right that scored Violet with the run that tied the score again. The spectators went wild, but really expected no more runs, as Shaw, the next batter, was even worse than Kerr in the strike-out business; he had done it three times. Again, however, the unexpected happened: Shaw singled and Glasscock trotted in with the second score.


and on the bleachers almost defies description. Men who have never been "fazed" before forgot their dignity, and all joined in the wild cheering and throwing of hats that followed Shaw's hit. Kalkhoff sent one up in the air to Cooper, who muffed, but Shaw went out at third and Davis struck out, with Kerr on third and Kalkhoff on second.

The Warrens looked dangerous in their half of the ninth. Leamon, he of the rag baby coaching, hit to left for a single. "Beany" Prince, who is a Wheeling boy, was advised by the spectators to strike out, but he hit the sphere viciously, but Kalkhoff got under it and he was out. Then the Warrens' captain thought he would fool somebody. He sent up Pitcher McGinnis, who is a good hitter, in place of Rickert, who was considered uncertain. Mac sent a hot one down to "Artie" Ball, who made a beautiful stop and a tiner throw to Crotty, who doubled up Leamon at second and snapped the ball to Glasscock in time to retire McGinnis. The game couldn't have ended in a more brilliant manner. The crowd went wild; as the cars went down the Island streets the fans woke up the staid old Island with their enthusiastic cheers. The score:

Ball, ss 3 0 3 9 0 Richey, ss 4 2 1 1 0
Violet, lf 3 1 2 0 0 Cooper, rf 4 0 1 1 0
Crotty, 2b 4 0 3 3 1 A. Wag'., 2b 4 0 2 2 0
G'sc'ck, 1b 4 2 13 1 0 J. Wag', 3b 4 1 3 1 0
Kerr, rf 4 1 2 0 0 Russell, 1b 4 0 7 0 0
Shaw, 3b 4 1 2 1 1 Leamon, cf 4 1 3 0 0
Kalk'off, cf 3 0 2 0 0 Prince, c 4 1 8 2 1
Davis, c 4 0 0 1 0 *McGin's 1 0 0 0 0
Staley, p 3 0 0 1 0 Rickert, lf 4 1 2 0 0
            Barrett, p. 3 1 0 1 0
Totals 32 5 27 16 2 Totals 36 7 27 8 1

*McGinnis batted in ninth inning in place of Rickert.

Wheeling 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3
Base hits 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4  
Warren 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
Base hits 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 1  

Earned run, Wheeling 2, Warren 1. Two base hits: Glasscock, Ritchey. Sacrifice hits: Glasscock and J. Wagner. Double plays. Ball to Crotty to Glasscock. Struck out by Barret 9, Staley 1; Hit by ball by Barrett 1. Stolen bases, Ball, Violet (2), Crotty, Glasscock, Kalkhoff, J. Wagner.

Time, 1:30. Umpire, Brown.

The Pitchers' Record

  W. L. R. BH. ER. BR. SO. PER. Staley 4 0 9 30 6 2 3 1.000 Conover 9 4 79 122 26 28 48 .691 Kane 8 4 68 155 35 22 31 .667 McCleary 3 3 41 64 15 18 16 .500 Brooke 2 4 61 73 19 12 19 .333

The Championship Race

Club W. L. P'rc't Club W. L. P'rc't
Wheeling 4 2 .667 Warren 2 4 .333


Warren 25 12 .676 Wheeling 27 15 .645

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