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Dr. Robert Hazlett Bullard


--from The Wheeling Intelligencer, Jan. 12, 1922, p. 2.

Ohio County Mourns Passing of One of Its Most Skilled and Best Loved Physicians

The Wheeling district was shocked last evening by the announcement that Dr. Robert Hazlett Bullard was dead. Dr. Bullard passed peacefully away at his country home at Oakmont, near Triadelphia, at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. His death was due to an attack of pneumonia, of which he had been ill since Friday.

No funeral arrangements had been made last night.

Dr. Bullard was a son of the late R. J. and Susan A. Bullard. He graduated in medicine at the University of Cincinnati in 1877. He lived in Wheeling and practiced in the city until about twenty years ago, when he moved to his country home.

On April 23, 1894, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Louise Hupp, a daughter of Dr. John C. Hupp, who survives him. Besides his widow, he leaves nine children: Mrs. Curtis Orr, who resides near Roney's Point; Archibald, Mrs. Ralph Ely, Robert, Todd, Louise, Reuben, John and Miss Carolene, at home. He also leave three brothers: George R. Bullard of Indiana; R. J. Bullard, of Martins Ferry, and E. R. Bullard, of the Island, and two sisters, Mrs. Azelia Shriver, of Pleasant Valley, and Miss Anela Bullard, who made her home with Dr. Bullard.

Splendid Tributes.

Many splendid tributes to the life of Dr. Bullard were heard last evening following his death. It would be difficult to measure, with any adjectives of praise, the great work for humanity that Dr. Bullard has done. His was a ripe and crowded life of skillful and devoted service.

As noted above, Dr. Bullard graduated in medicine at the University of Cincinnati, a member of the class of 1877. For several years before entering college he had as his preceptors, here in Wheeling, the late Drs. Robert H. and James Cummins.

Before Dr. Bullard removed to the country, he had a very large practice. His opinion was sought frequently in consultations, and he was one of the leading obstetricians in this end of the state. Year after year he lived by the strictest schedule that made possible and unbelievable amount of work. At the time of the founding of the old City hospital he was one of the faithful attending physicians.

His technical skill and rare personal gift to observe, to diagnose, to heal and to cheer, lay open for rich and poor to share in equal measure.

Dr. Bullard lacked all of the striking gestures of the aggressive leader; rather he ruled and impressed by natural dignity, skill and utter simplicity of the truly great man. No doctor commanded greater loyalty and respect and confidence. No doctor used simpler and more direct

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"Such a life of labor and service to thousands needs no marble nor bronze to perpetuate its memory. The city of Dr. Bullard's labor is better for his living, and the medical profession is stronger and cleaner for his life.: Such was the tribute paid [ . . .]

[ newspaper article from the vertical files in the OCPL's Wheeling Room -- portions of the original are missing, as indicated by ellipses ]

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