We will form a book group to read and discuss what has been called "the greatest book in the English language"- "Ulysses" by James Joyce. The library will obtain copies of "Ulysses" for all who register. Ulysses is a challenging (and oft-challenged) book and a tall order for even the most advanced reader, so we will divide the readings into 5 parts. Meetings will occur on Feb. 29, March 28, April 25, May 30 - all Thursdays at 6:30 PM. Participants will then have the opportunity to discuss the book on June 11 with Patrick Hastings, English professor, author of "The Guide to James Joyce's Ulysses," and curator of ulyssesguide.com, who will be at the Library for Wheeling's first ever Bloomsday, a worldwide but Irish-centric celebration of the book and the genius of James Joyce. Ours will feature a virtual walking tour of Leopold Bloom's Dublin led by Mr. Hastings, dramatic readings, trivia, music, food, and more! Dress like it's 1904!
To join the book group, message us (put "Ulysses" in the comment section), send an email to lunchwithbooks[at]yahoo.com, or give us a call at 304-232-0244. Serious and committed inquiries only please!
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