Lincoln High School: Principal's Report, 1901
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- from "Annual Report of the Public Schools of the City of Wheeling, W. Va. for the School Year Ending July 21st, 1901."
W. H. Anderson, Superintendent of City Schools:
Dear Sir: — I have the honor to submit the report of Lincoln High School, for the year 1900 and 1901.
Following are the names of the pupils who graduated last June 29th, 1901: Katherine W. Bumry, Marcellus Mason, Earl Baldwin, Daniel Monroe.
It is a pleasure to report that, of the four above mentioned, two are now pursuing studies in higher institutions of learning. Katherine W. Bumry is attending Oberlin college and Marcellus Mason is taking a course in pharmacy at Columbia University.
Taking all things into consideration, Lincoln High School enjoyed a very successful year. The enrollment was not so large as it should have been, but the additional interest, so markedly manifest amply compensated for paucity of enrollment. Our object has been from the first to instill a deep interest in the school -- to induce the pupils to see the necessity of giving their time and attention to the work in hand, believing that without this, good results are impossible of accomplishment.
The work done by the school in all departments this year, was of a higher order than in previous years which gives ground for the hope that in a short time the work of our High School will reach the standard of excellence we have so diligently sought.
I can but again call your attention to the fact that our physical apparatus is lamentably insufficient. It is impossible to do desirable work in physics without proper tools to work with, and it is hoped that the Board of Education will give this matter proper consideration and investigation, to the end that we may be properly equipped in this department in the ensuing year. I also respectfully recommend that one of the substitutes appointed for our school next year be capable of teaching stenography, typewriting and book-keeping; that suitable provision be made for her employment in teaching these subjects a half day each day. These branches have not been taught in our high school heretofore for the good and sufficient reason that the teaching force, in point of numbers, is inadequate to the needs of the school. It may not be amiss to say that, in this particular, we are sadly handicapped. Occasionally new studies are being added to the high school course, and with our limited teaching force, much of my time that should be given to office work and supervision, of necessity must be devoted to teaching.
In conclusion, I wish to thank the Board of Education and yourself for generous support during the school year.
FLEM B. JONES, Principal.
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