Fraternal Order Of Police Is Formed By Local Police Force, February 21, 1926
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- from the Wheeling Intelligencer, February 22, 1926.
Robert Schane is Elected President; William Gersting Vice-President; is New Order
More than 50 policemen of the Wheeling police department were made charter members of the Wheeling Order, No. 38, Fraternal Order of Police, at the installation meeting of the order at the city building last evening.
Following are the officers elected at last night’s meeting: President, Robert Schane, vice-president, William Gersting, Recording Secretary, William Bucey, Financial-Secretary, A. Hixenbaugh, Treasurer, Joseph Stanley, Trustees, Edward Meinhert, William Knabe and William Goering, Guard, H. J. Mallard and Conductor, Samuel Moran.
First In City
The order is the first of it's kind ever formed in this city and also the entire state of West Virginia. Already the order has gained practically a 100 percent membership in the police departments of some of the larger cities in New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Florida and others.
While not all of the local patrolmen and officers were present at the initial meeting of the new order, another meeting will probably be called for in the near future when other policemen are expected to join. It is hoped to have a 100 percent membership.
The Fraternal Order of Police is entirely new in this section, but has been in existence in several Pennsylvania cities for the past several years.
No Labor Connections
The order is purely a fraternal organization being connected in no manner with any labor union or other organizations of any description. Its aims and objects are to promote educational activities among the police of the nation, so that they may become more capable of displacing their immediate duties. It strives for a better fellowship feeling between policemen and for more wholesome social conditions.
In cities and vicinities where orders have been formed great progress has been made. The order has much in common with other fraternal orders being absolutely self-governing and bearing no outside connections whatsoever. Regular monthly meeting, where the policemen can assemble in a body and discuss their greatest difficulties is the general plan of procedure.
However, much has to be done before the Wheeling order is placed on a permanent and productive working basis and every effort will be made by newly elected officers to round the organization into form with the coming month.
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