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Adult Summer Reading Program 2018 - Libraries Rock


This Summer, the Ohio County Public Library is promoting the national theme of “Libraries Rock” for both their annual Children's and Adult Summer Reading Programs. 

OCPL Summer Reading Programs 2018

Summer reading isn’t just for kids!

Blind Date With A Book: Libraries Rock!The Ohio County Public Library's Adult Summer Reading Program, "Let a Blind Date with a Book Rock Your World," starts June 4, 2018. The Library is continuing the popular "Blind Date" book program this year with Collaborative Summer Library Program theme "Libraries Rock." Come into the Library anytime between June 6 and August 5 and pick up one of our musically-themed "Blind Date" books. Check out your “Blind Date” book at the circulation desk, take it home, unwrap and read, then share all the juicy details with us by completing a "Rate Your Date" bookmark. Each completed "Rate Your Date bookmark" turned into the Library's circulation desk will get you one entry into our grand prize drawing. All "Rate Your Date" forms must be turned in by August 5th, 2018. Prize drawings will be held on August 6th.

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