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Historic Homes in Wheeling, WV

Residence of S. S. Bloch (1904) [Elmhurst - 1228 National Rd]
Residence of J. C. Brady (1904)
Residence of W. S. Brady (1904) [34 Orchard Road, Wheeling, WV]
Residence of Dr. O. W. Burdats (1904)
Old Chambers house, Elm Grove
Residence of J. D. Culbertson, 1889
Culbertson House, 1900s?
Culbertson House, 1970s
Residence of Robert C. Dalzell (1904)
O. C. Dewey, 1889
Residence of Dr. John L. Dickey, 1904
Residence of J. D. DuBois, Leatherwood, 1889
H. D. DuBois, 1904
428 N. Front St., Home of William B. Erskine
The Pines -- Residence of George A. Flaccus, 1904
The Pines -- Residence of George A. Flaccus
Residence of C. W. Franzheim
Residence of E. B. Franzheim (Mary Franzheim) 1900s
Mary Franzheim House, 1970s
Glessner-Stifel House, 1970s
Glessner-Stifel House, 1970s
Residence of Jacob W. Grubb, 1904
Grubb house, 1970s
Grubb house, 1970s
Residence of Samuel W. Harper
Residence of Howard Hazlett
"The Knoll" -- Residence of W. P. Heiskell
Dr. Harry A. Henderson's residence, Fulton
Residence of C. Hess, 1889
Dr. C. L. Hill, 1904
W. W. Holloway House, 1970s
W. W. Holloway House, 1970s
Collection of images of Howard Place (home of John A. Howard)
Residence of W. P. Hubbard
Residence of W. P. Hubbard
Kraft-Seilbert House,1684 National Rd., 1970s
Kraft-Seilbert House,1684 National Rd., 1970s
Kraft-Seilbert House,1684 National Rd., 1970s
Residence of D. C. List, Jr.Henry K. List, 1889
Monument Place
Ball Room at Monument Place, 1889
Parlor at Monument Place, 1889
Interior of A. H. Patterson's Parlor at Monument Place,1889
Monument Place, residence of Mrs. Charles J. Milton, 1904
Monument Place, residence of Mrs. Charles J. Milton, 1904
Residence and Grounds of E. W. Oglebay (house), 1904
Residence and Grounds of E. W. Oglebay (outbuilding), 1904
Osterling Block, 1889
Morgan Ott House, 1970s
Paull House, 32 Park Lane, 1970s
Paull House, 32 Park Lane, 1970s
Paull House, 32 Park Lane, 1970s
Paull House, 32 Park Lane, 1970s
Residence of Alfred Paull, 1904
Residence of J. F. Paull, 1904
Residence of James W. Paxton.
Carroll Club, formerly home of James W. Paxton
Residence of B. W. Peterson, 1904
H. Quarrier, 1904
Michael Reilly, 1889
Reymann Residence, 1900s
Residence of Mrs. M. J. Rogers, 1904
Residence of Henry M. Russell, 1904
Residence of L. E. Sands, 1904
J. Speidel, 1889
Joseph Speidel House, 5 Echo Point, 1970s
Woodridge, the Steenrod home, 1308 Steenrod Ave., 1970s
Woodridge, the Steenrod home, 1308 Steenrod Ave., 1970s
Residence of Geo. E. Stifel, 1889
Residence of L. C. Stifel, 1889
Residence of Wm. F. Stifel, 1889
Sweeney Mansion, 847 Main St.
Residence of Mrs. L. B. Sweeney, 1904
Tallman Mansion (part of Linsly School since 1941), 1970s
Tallman Mansion
Tallman Mansion
Tallman Mansion (2000s)
William M. Tiernan, 1904
Virginia Apartments, 902 Main St.
Residence of W. A. Wilson, 1904
"Glencairn" -- the Residence of W. P. Wilson, 1904
G. C. Woods House, 29 Park View Lane, 1970s
House built by Ebenezer Zane around 1800
Island Homes, 1904
House at 39 Elmwood, 1970s
House at 39 Elmwood, 1970s
House at 39 Elmwood, 1970s

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