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Dedication of new St. Andrew's, 1907

-from the Wheeling Intelligencer, Feb. 22, 1907; p. 12:



Bishop Peterkin, the Principal Speaker of the Day — Exercises Continue Until Sunday.

On Thursday morning, St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal church was dedicated with very impressive services. The edifices has just been completed, at a cost of $35,00 and at these services, was filled with worshipers who had gathered to assist in the dedication of the edifice.

Bishop George W. Peterkin was the principal speaker of the morning service, assisted by Rev. T. J. Oliver Curran, the rector, both of whom heartily congratulated the congregation for the interest taken in the new church. After a lengthy song service followed by prayer, rendered by a combined choir of St. Andrew's, St. Luke's, St. Paul's and St. Matthew's churches. which was indeed beautiful. Communion services was held at 6 a. m., with a short address by the rector, Rev. T. J. Oliver Curran, which was largely attended.

At 7:30 a preaching service was held, with speaking by Rev. Howard, of St. Matthew's church and Rev. T. J. Curran, with special song service and prayer.

Rev. Howard spoke of the progress of the church since its origin in the 16th century, leading up to the present day with all important events, link by link, until the matter of the congregation of St. Andrew's was discussed, commenting as he did upon the many adversities of St. Andrew's and how bravely those loyal worshippers of that congregation had maintained their determination, until today their long hope has been realized, in the beautiful house of worship, which they now have.

He earnestly requested those whose efforts had been felt in the building of this church not to cease their good work, but to continue, and that their work and prayer would be rewarded.

Following Rev. Howard, the rector spoke to the congregation, in which he explained the work in detail, as it had been commenced from their humble house of worship, in that locality about six years ago, and that although the church was completed, many sacrifices were as yet needed, and that all must not cease their work and prayer, but continue as in the past.

After the speaking of Rev. R. J. Curran, special prayer and song service was rendered, which concluded the services for the day. On Friday evening, Rev. J. Brittingham of St. Luke's church will preach, and the usual services will be carried regarding prayer and singing.

Speaking of the new edifice after the service Thursday evening, Rev. T. J. Oliver Curran was very enthusiastic over the bravery of his congregation, and the liberal donations, as well as the cheerful manner in which it was given. "This is what the people of St. Andrew's church deserve, for many year's worship was held in a humble structure, and every one of them have put forth their best effort toward the building of this house of prayer. We are very much pleased with the church, and with it our work can be carried on to a far greater advantage than heretofore."

Rev. Curran also spoke of the co-incidence of the dedication coming on the day of the anniversary of his marriage, which was all unintentional, and he was happy to have his anniversary celebrated in that manner. With the new church, the rectory is now located along side of the church, which will greatly facilitate matters. Many of the clergy of this vicinity will be present during the dedication, which will continue until Sunday evening.

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