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Wheeling Hall of Fame: George H. Seibert, Jr.


Public Service

George H. Seibert, Jr.

Inducted 1982

George H. Seibert, Jr. served as minority leader in the West Virginia House of Delegates for 18 years, an all-time record in the Mountain State.

However, it was not only the length of service but the quality of service which "Bud" Seibert rendered on behalf of his constituents that qualifies him for a niche in the Wheeling Hall of Fame.

Seibert's popularity with the voters of Ohio County was unwavering. He was first elected to the state legislature in 1952 and usually led the ticket by a substantial margin every two years until he declined to run in 1976.

At the legislature, the Republicans named him minority leader session after session. As a result of his legislative and other civic work he received the state's highest civilian honor, the West Virginia Distinguished Service Award from Gov. Arch A. Moore, Jr. The House of Delegates voted him a Certificate of Distinction.

Not to be outdone, West Virginia University in 1973 named Seibert as that year's "outstanding alumnus" and also presented him the Order of Vandalia Award in 1981.

A graduate of Triadelphia High School, Seibert received his AB and LLD degrees from WVU, where he was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa, a social fraternity, and Phi Alpha Delta, a legal fraternity. In 1973 he was elected to a term as president of the West Virginia Alumni Association.

The Certificate of Distinction from the legislature was not only a tribute to his ability, but to his diligence in his legislative service, to wit:

"Republican member of House of Delegates from Ohio County for 24 years, from December 1, 1952 to December 1, 1976. Present for 12,238 roll calls out of 12,289, a record of 99.6 percent attendance. Served as Minority Leader for 18 years, an all-time record in this state."

Seibert, who is married and the father of three children (and has four grandchildren) started the practice of law in 1939, associated with the late Carl Galbraith and Ronald Kasserman. He is a former municipal court judge.

Seibert has served the people of Wheeling in many civic endeavors as well as through the legislature. While in the legislature he worked diligently with civic organizations in the city of Wheeling, with city officers, and for the best interests of the community.

The bipartisan support he received at the polls from the residents of the county has been recognized for an outstanding job by one of the community's distinguished citizens.

The list of organizations with which George H. Seibert, Jr. is connected is long. He is a Mason, Shriner, and a member of the American Legion. He is a former member of the board of directors of Oglebay Institute. He is also on the board of the Half Dollar Bank and Ohio Valley Medical Center, which he serves as vice-president, and is a member of the session of the Stone United Presbyterian Church.

During World War II, Seibert served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.

Text and pictures provided by Wheeling Hall of Fame. Service provided by the staff of the Ohio County Public Library in partnership with the Wheeling Hall of Fame Committee.

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