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Alexander & Co. Shoe Store Opens, November 23, 1889

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 â–Ľ Newspaper Article

- From the Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, Friday, November 22, 1889.


A Fine New Shoe Store to be Opened Saturday at 1049 Main Street.

On Saturday morning the biggest shoe house in the city will be opened by Alexander & Co., at 1049 Main street. The new store is in the room recently rebuilt by Miss A. C. Knote, on the most modern and convenient plan, and is a model for beauty and elegance. The inside is all finished in pure white, except the drawers and counters, which are finished in mahogany. The room is 128 feet long and 28 feet wide, and a row of shelves extends the full length of both sides. On one side there is a modern wrapping counter shelf and on the other, a counter for a display of goods. There are twenty-eight chandeliers in the store room besides the incandescent electric lights in the big show windows. This window is of itself almost a small store, and when Messrs. Alexander & Co. get it artistically arranged, it will present an elegant appearance.

The shelves are already piled full of goods of all descriptions, and the lines comprise everything from the commonest grades to the finest footwear money can buy. Messrs. Alexander & Co. will cater to no particular class of trade but will aim to keep anything which may be called for. Their one particular effort will be to have everything, the best which the amount of money charged will buy. Cheap goods in their house, will be good cheap goods, and fine goods will be of a proportionately high standard.

Mr. Alexander, the head of the firm, is not unknown to the shoe buyers of Wheeling. He has been selling footwear more than fifteen years; eight years of that time in the store of J. H. Locke & Co., where he made hundreds of friends by his uniform courtesy and honesty toward those who came into contact with him. His motto is, "Do not misrepresent stock for the sake of a sale," and the new firm will strictly adhere to the principle Mr. Alexander has laid down for his own guidance. They will consider customers of more value than single transactions, and will spare no effort to please.

Those who are seeking a place to buy footwear will do well to call and inspect the new store, and become acquainted with the proprietors and their methods of doing business. The big opening occurs Saturday, and bargains will be the feature. The store is located at 1049 Main street, on the west side, just a few doors above Eleventh street. It can be distinguished by the big plate glass front, and the modern design of the building and the novel and elegant dressing of the show windows.

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