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C. A. House Music Store


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C. A. House Quick Links

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C. A. House Quick Links

➤ History
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C. A. House In Wheeling

C. A. House Music Store was founded by Chauncey A. House. Mr. House came to Wheeling in 1870 from Meadville, PA, and for 12 years was the manager of the Howe Sewing Machine Company. In 1882, he opened a small music business in the Hub Building Complex on the corner of 14th and Market Streets (1324 & 1326 Market Street), laying the foundation in a "modest manner for the mammoth business" that would grow to be the largest music store retailer in the state. [NOTE: Many secondary sources cite 1872 as the official founding of the company, but Mr. House's obituary, early newspaper anniversary notices, and Wheeling City Directories all corroborate the 1882 date.]

In 1900, C. A. House Music moved into 1305 Market Street and continued to grow, moving again into the old Security Trust Co. building at 1141 Market St. on February 1, 1917.

Chancey House died of pneumonia on January 6, 1921. His widow, second wife, Rose Tucker House, continued running the business. In early April of 1946, Mrs. House sold C. A. House to three employees: Oliver Edwards, Thomas Killeen, and Albert Wasemann. Mrs. House died April 16, 1946.

The controlling stock of the company was purchased by Pete Ceo in 1964. After moving to several locations within downtown Wheeling, in 1977, the music store moved across the river to St. Clairsville, Ohio.  


➤ 1882 - 1900: 1324 & 1326 Market Street - part of the Hub building complex (now demolished).
➤ 1900-1917: 1305 & 1307 Market Street (now demolished)
➤ 1917-1933: 1141 Market Street (now demolished)
➤ 1934-1935: 1126-1130 Main Street
➤ Jan. 1, 1936-1943: 1327 Market Street (wareroom in the Bachmann building at 1312 Main)
➤ 1943-1977: Hawley Block, corner of 10th and Main Streets
➤ 1977-present: St. Clairsville, Ohio


C. A. House


C. A. House  

Additional Resources

Online Newspapers:
➤ "Funeral Rites For C. A. House on Saturday at Three O'Clock," Wheeling Intelligencer, January 7th, 1921, p. 10.
➤  "Mrs. C. A. House, Retired Executive, Succumbs," Wheeling Intelligencer, April 17th, 1946, p. 4

Materials in the Library's Archives: non-circulating, please call 304-830-1814 or email to make an appointment to view materials.
➤ Archives Collection: William Carney Collection on Wheeling History: Clipping file on CA House. Call #: Archives 2019-010, Box # 5

Additional Resources

Online Newspapers:
➤ "Funeral Rites For C. A. House on Saturday at Three O'Clock," Wheeling Intelligencer, January 7th, 1921, p. 10.
➤  "Mrs. C. A. House, Retired Executive, Succumbs," Wheeling Intelligencer, April 17th, 1946, p. 4

Materials in the Library's Archives: non-circulating, please call 304-830-1814 or email to make an appointment to view materials.

➤ Archives Collection:
William Carney Collection on Wheeling History: Clipping file on CA House. Call #: Archives 2019-010, Box # 5

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-Information on this page compiled by erothenbuehler
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